Zwei Bauarbeiter mit einem Tablet und einer VR-Brille

AR glasses vs. AR on smartphones and tablets: which is the better choice for the construction industry?

Die Einführung von Augmented Reality hat das Potenzial, die Art und Weise zu revolutionieren, wie wir in verschiedenen Branchen arbeiten. Das Bauwesen ist keine Ausnahme. Die Frage, ob AR-Brillen oder AR auf Smartphones und Tablets besser geeignet ist, hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, darunter die spezifischen Anforderungen des Bauprojekts, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und die Kosten. In diesem Beitrag werden wir die Vor- und Nachteile beider Optionen betrachten, um herauszufinden, welche für die Bauindustrie am besten geeignet ist.

AR on smartphones and tablets:

  1. Accessibility: Almost everyone has a smartphone or tablet these days, which means that AR applications are easily accessible on these devices. It requires no additional equipment or investment on the part of the user.
  2. Ease of use: Most people are already familiar with the operation of smartphones and tablets, which shortens the training period for AR applications. Operation is via the device's touchscreen, which is intuitive for many users.
  3. Flexibility: AR on smartphones and tablets offers a certain flexibility, as users can use their own devices. This allows users to use AR applications on the construction site as well as in the office or at home.

AR glasses:

  1. Immersive experience:
    AR glasses provide an immersive experience by superimposing digital content directly into the user's field of vision. This allows users to have their hands free and still see the AR content while looking around.
  2. Contextual information:
    Because AR glasses leave the user's hands free, they can display contextual information in real time while the user is working. This can be particularly useful when detailed instructions or data are needed while tasks are being performed.
  3. Specific applications:
    AR glasses can be optimized for specific applications in the construction industry, e.g. for overlaying construction plans on the construction site or for inspecting buildings in real time. This allows users to see exactly the information they need without having to switch between different devices.


Both AR on smartphones and tablets and AR glasses have their pros and cons, and the choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the construction project as well as the user's preferences and resources. For projects where flexibility and ease of accessibility are important, AR on smartphones and tablets may be the best choice. However, for tasks that require an immersive experience and contextual information, AR glasses may be the superior option. Ultimately, it is crucial that the chosen AR solution helps users work more efficiently and productively and contributes to the successful delivery of construction projects.


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